NEOTT - Lifetime Members
These riders have earned lifetime membership honors through their long-term commitment to the club and the sport of observed trials:
- Mike McCabe (NEOTT Founder and 1st American SSDT Rider, NATC Hall-Of-Fame)
- Bob Kelley
- Tommy Moore
- Shan Moore (also in the NATC Hall-Of-Fame)
- Jon Stoodley
- Mike Cramsey (profile)
- Kevin Kight (profile)
- Kirk Mayfield (OTP profile story, Factory Yamaha and SSDT Rider)
NEOTT Class Champions
Practice hard and maybe, just maybe, you'll get your name immortalized in the NEOTT history books. If anyone has results data prior to 2007 let a club officer know and we'll get it posted.
NEOTT - NATC Results
Here we recognize (and APPLAUD!) these club member's accomplishments at the National Level competing in the North American Trials Council Mototrials Championships. The complete history of all NATC winners is here.
NEOTT Member Pro Class History:
NEOTT Member Support Class Winners:
- Jerry Carrens 1985 7th
- Matt Moore 1994 8th, 1995 7th, 1996 8th, 1997 8th, 1998 6th
NEOTT Member Support Class Winners:
- Bryan Byrd 2005 SR-35
- Mike Cramsey 2013 Clubman
- Ron Lee 1997 & 1998 SR-30, 2002 & 2003 SR-35, 2004 SR-40
- Charlie Mallow 1985 SR-35, 1989 & 1991 SR-40
- David Meyer 2012 Twin Shock
- Matt Moore 1993 High School
- Shan Moore 1997 & 1998 SR-40
NEOTT - 2018 Newsletters
In 2018 we had a monthly newsletter and there are some good stories in here that are worthy of keeping in the club history.
Kevin Kight Profile, Wildcat Ranch, 2017 Year End Summary and more.
Cramsey Profile, NEOTT Origins
Todd Duesterhaus profile, Grand Lake Event, Ironmen Awards
Todd Phillps profile, Grand Lake, Fancy Scorecards
Charlie Mallow profile, Dam Gate Trial
Camp Gruber, Roswell Nationals
Special Edition Mike McCabe's SSDT Story
Camp Gruber Event
Night trial prep, AR Nationals, TX\NM Road Trip
Night Trial, Ute Cup, Jason+Annie
Sooner Cup Edition - Rick Land (winner of the 1st Sooner Cup) Profile
Sooner Cup Write Up, VA, NC, GA road trip report
Special Edition - Rick Land's 1976 Fraser Framed TL250 build.
Turkey Trial, HPTA Road Trip to Lawton OK
Dam Gate Trial - 2016-2019
Short lived but great times the history of the Dam Gate Trial is here (pdf).
NEOTT - Hosting Nationals
Did you know that in the way back days NEOTT hosted two national events? Yep we did, back in 1974 and 1975. If anyone has any memorabilia from those events contact a club officer and we'll get it scanned and posted here.
- 1974 Results (pdf)
- 1975 National Program Guide (pdf) (if you recognize any names pat yourself on the back - you are old :-)
NEOTT - Once upon a time...
Ever wonder how NEOTT got started? So did we so we had lunch with the founding father of NEOTT - Mike McCabe (2nd from the left). Lunch lasted a solid two-hours of non-stop trials stories from Mike. This is the first of what we hope to be many more articles from Mike.
Here is Mike's story of how he started it all back in 1969 making NEOTT one of the first two or three trials clubs started in the United States...
Here is Mike's story of how he started it all back in 1969 making NEOTT one of the first two or three trials clubs started in the United States...
In the fall of 1967 I was working in downtown Tulsa, and on Tuesdays would go to a little news stand and buy a copy of “Motorcycle News”, a British paper that had stories and photos about dirt bike events. I always was interested in the stories and pictures of trials events.
At the time I had a CL72 Honda 250cc Scrambler. And was trying to ride it in the strip pits on North Yale. I met some guys that were riding out at 81st and Yale at a place called Branders – a property between 81st and 91st and Harvard and Yale, belonging to Stan Brander. He let a bunch of us ride there just as a fun riding place. One of the people I met was Mac Young, who had a car lot on South Peoria, and bought and sold motorcycles. Mac Ordered a Greeves Trials bike, from England, for another guy who rode with us, named Doug Drulinger (aka: Frog].
They all knew I was interested in trials, so when the Greeves arrived Mac called me to go see it. I still remember the feeling I got when I first stood up on it, riding in his driveway. I thought –‘So that’s why they always stand up!’
I immediately had a meeting with my financial advisor, whom I’m still married to after 57 years, and we ordered me a Greeves. So started trying to ride trials, or as we called them at the time—“traps”.
They all knew I was interested in trials, so when the Greeves arrived Mac called me to go see it. I still remember the feeling I got when I first stood up on it, riding in his driveway. I thought –‘So that’s why they always stand up!’
I immediately had a meeting with my financial advisor, whom I’m still married to after 57 years, and we ordered me a Greeves. So started trying to ride trials, or as we called them at the time—“traps”.
In one of the issues of “Motorcycle News” I saw an article about a film on trials that Castrol Oil would lend to clubs or groups. The film was called “See You In Fort Williams”, and was about Sammy Miller riding in the Scottish Six Days Trial. I contacted Castrol, and a few weeks later got a package from England with the film. Hang on here, all this will make sense pretty soon!
Another piece of the story – I was buying my bike stuff from Tulsa Triumph, a bike shop at 11th and Memorial. It was owned by another one of the guys that rode out at Branders, Ray Brazil. He was a local celebrity because he rode National Enduros and was a really good rider. So I told him I wanted to ride some trials, but couldn’t find any events—so he suggested that I start a trials club and put on events.
So, I put an ad in the Tulsa World newspaper, in the ‘used bike’ section, inviting anyone interested in forming a trials club to come see the Castrol film I had. I arranged to use a meeting room – 44 people showed up that evening. After the movie, I passed around a clipboard and got everyone’s name and phone number.
Another guy that rode out at Branders was Paul Messick-a local builder- and he let me use his office for the second meeting. So about a month later I called everyone on the list from the first meeting and invited them to help organize a trials club – this time 20 people showed up. I had gotten a book on club organization and rules etc, so we went through all that stuff, and the meeting just went on and on. Finally we agreed to form a club, and so the final item was – what do we call the new club? All sorts of suggestions -Oklahoma Trials Club, Green Country Trials, …Northeastern Okla Trials Club??
Finally, the last piece of the puzzle. A few weeks before the second club meeting, another regular rider at Branders, George Logan, his son Joe and I all went to ride The Busted Piston National near St. Louis. The enduro was put on by The MidWest Enduro Team –see where this is going?
The second meeting had gone on way too long and everyone was headed for the door, –Finally, George Logan , said “We’re always going to ride these trials as a team, right?” Everyone left in the room agreed, (that’s how little we knew about trials at the time). So George suggested we call the club –Northeastern Oklahoma Trials Team-all agreed, and that’s where the name came from.